About Me

Dr. Avo Schönbohm has been a professor of Business and Performance Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2010, following various positions in the machine tool industry, including roles in internal auditing and as VP of Strategic Planning at Voith Paper.


As an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researcher, he focuses on the interplay between control and innovation, utilizing the power of games as tools and treatments. He is a board member of the Serious Games Society and, under his trademark LUDEO, brings the transformative potential of games to companies.


Dr. Schönbohm has extensive international teaching experience, having taught in Vietnam, France, Poland, and Switzerland. He specializes in strategic performance management, business gamification, and academic writing. Drawing on the philosophical foundations of Baudrillard, he integrates concepts of seduction and simulation into his research and teaching. A Sci-Fi enthusiast, he is particularly interested in developing future skills.

Contact at Berlin School of Economics and Law

Prof. Dr. Avo Schönbohm

Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre,

insbesondere Controlling


Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Campus Schöneberg
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin


Office B.517


Email: contact@avoschoenbohm.de

Phone: +49 (0)30 -30877-1144

Prof. Dr. Avo Schönbohm

How to find me

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